
ADHD & Addiction - Part 1

Why it's important to treat your child now!

ADHDKC has been fortunate to have Jeremy Didier, a clinical social worker who specializes in adults with ADHD, executive function skills training, parents of kids with ADHD, and adults struggling with substance use disorder, speak to our group on multiple occasions. She is a nationally recognized public speaker, an award winning author, an ADHD parent coach, community activist, and founder of ADHDKC.

This is a recording of her talk on ADHD and addiction. You can see her passion and expertise about this subject. Don’t miss Part 2: Treatment - click on the link below!

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ADHD & Addiction: Part 2 - Treatment
Watch now (22 min) | This is part 2 of Jeremy Didier’s talk with the ADHDKC Parent Group about ADHD & Addiction. Part 1 covered why she’s passionate about this topic, an overview of how ADHD and addiction are linked, and some scary data on the risks involved. If you missed part 1, be sure to watch it here…
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