It’s a busy time of the year with Thanksgiving followed by Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and New Years - depending on what your family may celebrate. We hope your family has a wonderful and safe holiday season.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time for self care. This may mean saying “no” to another event or task. Make sleep a priority, along with healthy meals and exercise. Find time to meditate - if you haven’t done this before, there are plenty of tips online to learn how and it’s not a one size fits all type of thing. Find what works for you.
ADHDKCTeen is our only group meeting in December. Our other groups are taking the month off for the holidays, but we’re looking forward to many great events in 2023!
The Parents of kids with ADHD group will not meet in December. This group’s January meeting will also be appropriate for any Adult with ADHD. Learn more about this and the February meeting below.
Our Women with ADHD group has started a private FB Group to continue conversations. There will not be a meeting for this group in December due to the busy holidays. Watch for a return in January!
Our Adults with ADHD group will not hold a small group session in December but will return in January. The speaker for the Parent group meeting in January, “When Living and Learning Hurt-Making Now Better So Later Will Be Easier” says the talk will be appropriate for any adult with ADHD and their partners in addition to parents.
ADHDKCTeen for middle and high school students continues to grow. Encourage your adolescent to join and learn about topics related to ADHD, including actionable tools to use to help manage symptoms.
When Living and Learning Hurt-Making Now Better So Later Will Be Easier
There is nothing so wrong about ADHDers that can't be tinkered with what is so right about them. My goal is to help them believe that learning, social, emotional, and academic agility can be learned and enhanced throughout a lifetime. - Thomas Scott
No ADHDer, whether child or adult wakes up in the morning and tells themselves, "Well, today I'm going to look stupid, I'm going to ostracize myself due to my words and behavior, then I'm going to try and pretend I'm okay."
Shame, disappointment, and the fear of exposure accompany many on their daily commutes.
The social spotlights are glaring and if you're not making it socially, emotionally, or academically, then everybody knows.
Join us as Thomas Scott, M.S., L.P.C. Psychotherapist/ Educational Consultant and author of the recently published book, "When Living and Learning Hurt-Making Now Better So Later Will Be Easier" shares the combination of new discoveries in neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and his 36 years of experience with his own struggles with ADHD as well as the hundreds of kids he's worked with. Let's believe that much good lies ahead.
Attendees will be entered to win a copy of his book! You must be present to win.
When: January 17th from 7-8 pm
Where: Leawood Public Library (4700 Town Center Dr, Leawood, KS 66211)
Space is limited! RSVP is required!
Rejection Sensitivity
Did you know that rejection sensitivity is a common feature of ADHD?
Rejection sensitivity refers to fear of non-acceptance and intense feelings around the experience of being excluded.
Natalie Bergman, JCCC Program Counselor and expressive therapist at Signature Psychiatric Hospital will discuss how rejection sensitivity may be affecting your child and strategies for helping them cope with these feelings.
When: February 23, 2023 at 7 PM
Where: Online (Zoom) - RSVP to get log in information!
If you identify as a woman who struggles with life's circumstances, our Women's Group may be just what you're looking for!
Health Coach Lainey Mahaney leads small group discussions most months. There are no sessions in December due to the busy holiday season.
The group also now has a private Facebook Group. Continue the conversation throughout by joining the group.
Lindsey Leach, a certified Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach, leads the Adults with ADHD group. This group is taking a break in December and will return in January.
Calling all Middle and High School Students!
ADHDKCTeen is our group for middle and high schoolers. It meets at 7:30 pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. Sign up to get an invitation to join us on Zoom - you only need to register once to join any of our meetings. Topics are chosen by the participants at the end of each meeting for the next meeting.
At our last meeting there was a tie for the next month's topic, so we planned for the next two months.
In December the topic will be "Finding Motivation" and in January it will be "Building Self Esteem".
Sign up once and you’ll be invited to all meetings until you graduate from high school or let us know you want to be removed from the group mailing list.
We hope students can join us!
CHADD's Podcasts
Want more information about ADHD?
The ADHD 365 podcast provides expert advice, tips, and strategies for families, adults, educators, and professionals.
The All Things ADHD podcast is a learning resource program of CHADD’s National Resource Center, funded by the CDC, to disseminate expert information to improve the lives of those affected by ADHD.
Click on Podcasts to listen to ADHCK 365 or All Things ADHD
Follow us on social media to learn even more!
Feel free to share this newsletter with friends and family who might benefit from the information and subscribe to get an update each month about ADHDKC’s events.