Beep! Tic! Beep! How to Navigate the Road with Tics
Shannon Floyd, OTR; Peter Wegman, Driver's Ed Instructor; Sophie Didier
ADHDKC welcomed representatives from the Tourette Association to talk about driving with tics as well as ADHD, sensory issues, and other associated conditions. We heard from an occupational therapist, a driving instructor, and a young adult with tics and ADHD.
Watch the recorded version below to learn what you can do to drive safely with tics and how to prepare for interactions with law enforcement.
Mentioned in the talk:
Training for Law Enforcement (Tool Kit): This toolkit provides resources to law enforcement, EMTS, first responders, and other support personnel to help understand and support children with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. It’s available in many languages.
Driving with Tic Disorders: An International Survey of Lived Experiences