Learn with ADHDKC and CHADD!
October is ADHD Awareness Month.
What a great time to learn more and share your knowledge!
ADHDKC strives to educate through our monthly meetings and online sharing. We hope you take advantage of the free information so you and your family can thrive!
Keep scrolling to learn about these exciting meeting topics and other opportunities coming soon!
Parent’s Group: Growing Your Child's Calm through Connection and Self-Care
Women with ADHD group: Clearing the Clutter before the Holidays
Adults with ADHD group: Motivation
ADHDKCTeen for middle and high school students: Stress management
CHADD’s International Conference is coming soon - with in person and virtual options
CHADD is offering a scholarship for college students - if you know a current or future college student with ADHD, share the information!
1. Growing Your Child's Calm through Connection and Self-Care
Dr. Caroline Danda will provide a brief overview of the brain-body connection and the neuroscience of growing your calm at our November Parent’s Group meeting. She will discuss ways that you can not only grow your calm as a caregiver but also support strengthening the calming ability of your child's nervous system and explore different activities to explore growing connection with your child.
Caroline Danda, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for children and adolescents.
She also is co-founder and author of The Invisible Riptide series and website. The series is designed to help children and families understand the interaction of emotions, physical well-being, and connection to others so they can learn to navigate life’s challenging situations, develop their strengths, and find their voices. The goal is to provide resources that open dialogues about mental health and resilience in the community.
When: November 15th from 7 PM - 8 PM
Where: Horizon Academy (4901 Reinhardt Drive, Roeland Park, KS 66205) with an online option
RSVP: Let us know you’re planning to come in person or if you prefer to join the talk online by signing up.
2. ADHDKC Women's Group
If you identify as a woman who struggles with life's circumstances, our Women's Group may be just what you're looking for!
Health Coach Lainey Mahaney leads small group discussions monthly. Topics are chosen for the following month by the group.
The group also now has a private Facebook Group. Continue the conversation throughout the month by joining the group.
The October meeting will help you prepare for the hectic holidays by discussing how mindset and distractions caused by clutter affect us and ways to manage this time of year.
Seating is limited, so please save your spot from the link below. If you cannot attend, please let us know so we can open a seat for someone else.
Green Door Bookstore
7713 W 151st St, Overland Park, KS 66223
When: October 23rd at 3 PM
3. Adults with ADHD and their Partners
This group is for adults with ADHD, their significant others, and those who are interested in learning more about thriving as an adult with ADHD.
Friends and family are welcome. You do not need to have an "official" diagnosis to attend.
One of the most common challenges among ADHDers is inconsistent motivation. We will share and discuss where we find our own unique intrinsic motivation, why, and how we access it when motivation is low.
These small group discussions are lead by Lindsey Leach, a certified Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach.
Date: 10/23/2022 (Sun)
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT
Topic: Motivation
Location: Monticello Conference Room at the Monticello library
This event filled fast! If you are not able to attend, please remove your name from the RSVP to allow someone else to join.
4. Calling all Middle and High School Students!
ADHDKCTeen is our group for middle and high schoolers.
It meets at 7:30 pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. Sign up to get an invitation to join us on Zoom - you only need to register once to join any of our meetings. In 2023 we hope to resume some in person meetings and continue the online option.
Topics are chosen by the participants at the end of each meeting for the next meeting.
In October we’ll talk about Anger Management. We hope you can join us!
5. CHADD Annual Conference
We hope you’ll join us in Dallas this November for the 2022 Annual International Conference on ADHD! If you’re not able to attend in person, there is a virtual option.
This is a HUGE conference co-sponsored by CHADD, ADDA, and ACO. See the agenda here and the speakers here. (You might even recognize a few KC Metro ADHD experts! Sign up and show up to their sessions to support them.)
If you’re a member of CHADD, the discount codes below can be used for registration.
If you’re not already a member, you can join here now and then use the codes. Be sure you select our chapter (ADHDKC) as your home chapter when you join!
Find details about the conference and how to register
on https://events.bizzabo.com/381128.
If you plan to attend in person
in Dallas, use discount code INPERSON_CHADD_GENE22 to save $75 ($315 total registration cost after the discount).
If you plan to attend virtually,
use the discount code VIRTUAL_CHADD_GENE22 to save $75 ($260 total registration cost after the discount).
6. Nicholas Costa Undergraduate Scholarship.
CHADD is accepting applications for the Nicholas Costa Undergraduate Scholarship.
CHADD supports up to five undergraduate students with a $2,000-$5,000 scholarship to help support undergraduate tuition at a two-year or four-year college or university.
Each applicant must be a US citizen enrolled full-time at any accredited US college or university. The applicant must have and maintain at least a 2.9 cumulative grade point average.
The deadline for applications to be received by CHADD for the spring 2023 semester is November 4, 2022.
CHADD's Podcasts
Want more information about ADHD?
The ADHD 365 podcast provides expert advice, tips, and strategies for families, adults, educators, and professionals.
The All Things ADHD podcast is a learning resource program of CHADD’s National Resource Center, funded by the CDC, to disseminate expert information to improve the lives of those affected by ADHD.
Click on Podcasts to listen to ADHCK 365 or All Things ADHD
Follow us on social media to learn even more!
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