As always, ADHDKC has a variety of events and new opportunities coming soon!
Bring a friend to:
1) Make it easier to join the group.
2) Help boost the numbers, which keeps us encouraged to offer more events in person.
3) Make it more fun and a better learning experience to meet in person! Conversations among participants help to build the value of meeting, and this is much easier to do in person.
It’s easy to share our newsletter with your friends and family!
Find details of our events below or open this in your browser to use the top menu to find what you’re looking for: upcoming meetings for each of our groups, special events, and recordings of past meetings. (YES! February’s parent event is there. It was a fabulous talk with many actionable tips, so be sure to check it out. A specific link can be found below in this newsletter.)
Meet the ADHDKC Professional Advisory Board
This month the Professional Advisory Board Member we're celebrating is Kristen Stuppy.
Dr. Stuppy is a pediatrician who has served on our advisory board since 2012 in many roles. She's also a mother who intimately understands the journey of raising a child with ADHD.
Her personal and professional experiences have driven her to be passionate about not only treating ADHD with medications but also working to give parents and youth tools to help manage symptoms. That drive is what inspires her to lead the ADHDKCTeen group each month since the start of the pandemic. It has also recently led to her joining forces with the Teach Me ADHD program to empower parents and children to manage ADHD symptoms beyond medication through fun interactive detective-themed classes.
Parent Group
In March we’ll be back at Horizon Academy in Roeland Park for their popular Learning Disability Simulation.
This event is NOT on the first Tuesday of the month like our usual Parent Group meetings because it is part of Horizon Academy’s LD Simulation series. Attending live is important for this talk. We will not record it.
Horizon Academy offers the community a series of free informative seminars regarding learning disabilities and related topics. The “Learning Disability Series” is held on Thursday evenings throughout the year.
Future upcoming Parent Group events are found on our Parent Group Page.
ADHDKCTeen for middle & high school students
The next ADHDKCTeen event will be March 5, 2024, at 7:00 PM CST. It will be online only. Learn more and sign up on the ADHDKCTeen Page.
Adult’s Group
Our Adult’s Group is a small discussion and support group that meets monthly and the next event is March 10th at noon. They’ll be talking about Sleep, a common problem in people with ADHD.
Learn more about the group and sign up from the Adult’s Group Page.
We can’t do it alone!
Learn more about other community and online national opportunities and events on our Special Events Page.
February recording is available!
Follow us on social media to learn even more!
Feel free to share this newsletter with friends and family who might benefit from the information and subscribe to get an update each month about ADHDKC’s events.