As always, ADHDKC has a variety of events and new opportunities coming soon!
Find details of our events below or open this in your browser to use the top menu to find what you’re looking for: upcoming meetings for each of our groups, special events, and recordings of past meetings.
Meet the ADHDKC Professional Advisory Board
🎉 It’s time to celebrate Nicole Smith, our June ADHDKC Professional Advisory Board Member of the Month!!!
Dr. Nicole Smith joined our board in 2023. She’s interested in removing the stigma and misunderstanding of ADHD in minority communities and hopes to bring awareness of the confusion between misbehavior and ADHD to the community.
Nicole, we’re excited to welcome you to the ADHDKC board this year! Your experience will bring new perspectives to our group. 🌟
Parent & ADHDKCTeen Groups Meet Together in June!
Anxiety can significantly impact children and adults but there are many proven techniques to cope with emotions that can be learned and used for improved mental health.
The next ADHDKC Parent and ADHDKCTeen groups will meet together to learn what anxiety looks like in children and teenagers and discover effective tools and techniques to help manage it. Dr. Kristen Stuppy, our monthly ADHDKCTeen moderator, will speak about anxiety and healthy coping skills.
Dr. Stuppy knows that it’s hard to stay focused during lectures, so she keeps participants engaged by encouraging audience participation. This talk is appropriate for adolescents and parents.
When: June 4th at 6:30 PM CST
Where: online (Zoom) and Horizon Academy (4901 Reinhardt Dr, Roeland Park, KS 66205)*
Who: Middle and High School Students and Parents of kids of all ages
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow together! Spread the word and invite your friends.
RSVP with the button below:
*There is a minimum for all in-person events. If we do not reach the minimum, the event will be online only. If you want to attend in person, invite friends to join you!
Adult’s Group
Join us for our next ADHDKC Adult’s Group discussion!
Discussion Topic: Late/Adult ADHD Diagnosis: Grief & Blame vs Empowerment & Acceptance
Date: June 9th
Time: 12:00 -1:30 PM
Location: Plaza Library - large meeting room
Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to gain insights and support from your fellow ADHD community members. See you there!
Learn more about the group from the Adult’s Group Page
Women’s Group
The first meeting of the new Women’s Group was a success! It was a lively discussion to help understand the wants and needs of those in attendance. They decided upon monthly 2 hours meetings with a specific topic. Meetings will start with a brief presentation on that topic, discussion around the topic, then extra time at the end for informal socializing.
The next meeting topic is ADHD in Real Life - How does ADHD impact a woman’s life?
Date: Sunday, June 2nd
Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
Location: KC Library Plaza Branch - 4801 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64112
Space is limited! We’d love to see you there, but if you can no longer attend, please return to the sign up and remove your RSVP to allow someone else to join.
Learn more about other community and online national opportunities and events on our Special Events Page.
Follow us on social media to learn even more!
Feel free to share this newsletter with friends and family who might benefit from the information and subscribe to get an update each month about ADHDKC’s events.