*Some of these are available only for a fee, but many are free. ADHDKC provides information only. We do not endorse or recommend any specific program.
Two of the Seattle CHADD Chapter’s public meeting speakers this July are ADHDKC Professional Advisory Board members - and all are proven fabulous presenters! The speakers are Tonya Miles, Chris Foster, Jeremy Didier, and Suzanne Sophos. Join them to learn about ADHD & Substance Use.
Seattle CHADD Speaker Series, Thu, Jul 11, 2024, 7:00 PM | Meetup (note: time is PDT, so 9 PM CST)
Click on the link to jump to the section of interest.
Other CHADD Chapters - we’re invited to join all the CHADD online events
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Non-CHADD events of interest
CHADD online
Other CHADD Chapters & National Organization
Our members are invited to participate in online events that other CHADD Chapters offer. Please refer to their organizations with any questions.
Annual International Conference on ADHD: November 2024 in California
ACO, ADDA, and CHADD—the leaders in ADHD support for individuals and families—welcome the ADHD community to the 2024 Annual International Conference on ADHD. These organizations collaborate to bring together the best minds in current research and treatment options and professionals offering best practice guidelines for their fields. #ADHD2024 will offer dynamic sessions and events featuring practical support and guidance for adults and families.
The theme of the Annual International Conference on ADHD is to Connect, Learn, and Thrive. It is through the connections we make along with the new skills and approaches we learn from one another that our ADHD community can thrive. At #ADHD2024, we will Connect.Learn.Thrive. by gathering as adults and partners, parents of children in all stages of life, clinicians of all kinds, coaches, organizers, educators, and advocates, to inspire one another and enhance all our lives.
Chapters in no particular order…
CHADD of Ohio
May 20th event: Making the Leap: Preparing for the Adjustment to College Life
The adjustment to college life for students who learn differently can be riddled with confusion and anxiety, largely due to the unknown steps students and families have to take prior to entry. This session will highlight the skills and steps students should consider in order to proactively prepare for a successful launch in college. (Hit the button above to register for this and other CHADD of Ohio events.)
Eastern Oakland County CHADD
Virtual support group for parents, adults, and spouses
May 19, 2024 | 7:30 PM–8:30 PM Drs. Parker and Robin will lead an informal discussion of any topics that audience members wish to talk about.
Paste this link into your web browser by 7:30 PM:
Meeting ID: 894 9947 1619. Passcode: 799238.
North Shore/Chicago Area
Virtual support group for adult first Wednesday of most months at 7:00 pm CT
Chicago West Suburban Area
1st & 3rd Mondays On ZOOM
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Madison Area Parent Group
Virtual support group for parents of school-aged children
When: Sun, June 2, 1:30pm – 3:30pm
CHADD of Iowa Virtual Adult Support Group
May 22, 2024 | 7:00 PM–08:00 PM
Support group for adults with ADHD. This month we will discuss apps to help manage ADHD symptoms. Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclcOqhrj0rGNyKfktWihCcq1wMamHCXEA8
Red River Valley
Virtual support group for parents and adults
May Educational Support Meeting: Monday- May 20, 2024
7:00 to 8:00 Presentation
8:00 to 9:00 Discussion
Presented by: Brynna Grimestad, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS, ADHD-RSP
Virtual Event is Free and Open to the Public!
Register in advance for this meeting – cut and paste link into your browser:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email w/ information for joining the meeting. Executive function skills are LIFE SKILLS; so life takes “extra” for adults with ADHD! Adults with ADHD face unique challenges that often go unseen by neurotypical peers and professionals alike.
In-person and virtual support group for parents
Monthly, 3rd Tuesday of Each month, except December during the school year.
Non-CHADD events of interest
Children’s Mercy Parent ADHD Classes
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Across the country, thousands of trained NAMI volunteers bring peer-led programs to a wide variety of community settings, from churches to schools to NAMI Kansas. With the unique understanding of people with lived experience, these programs and support groups provide outstanding free education, skills training and support.
NAMI of Johnson County Events
NAMI of Johnson County (KS) has many in person and virtual educational series and support groups. See their Facebook Events Page for the list!
NAMI Missouri offers an array of outstanding peer-led programs that provide free education, skills training and support. Discover which education program is right for you.
NAMI of Greater Kansas City support groups
NAMI Greater Kansas City is a volunteer-based, membership-based nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life and recovery for people with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy.
NAMI support groups are peer-led and offer participants an opportunity to share their experiences and gain support from other attendees.
Videos, Webinars & Podcasts
*Some of these are for a fee. ADHDKC provides information only. We do not endorse or recommend any specific program.
ImpactParents regularly offers podcasts and free webinars in addition to their paid programs. They support all types of neurodivergence: ADHD, autism, anxiety, and more! They provide affordable behavior management training (Behavior Therapy) to parents and educators worldwide, online and on the phone. Their strategies are a first-line recommended treatment for kids with ADHD and related challenges of Executive Function.
It’s a fun way for kids and parents to learn about ADHD together!
Jr Detectives (kids) and Sr Detectives (parents) participate in 8 interactive training missions. These missions train participants to become detectives learning about ADHD, where they uncover clues about how their brain works. Each week they complete deeds and family missions that build on the skills learned during the training sessions and turn in their evidence. Jr and Sr Detectives won't even realize they're building executive functioning skills and learning about managing ADHD.
In this 8-week course, you and your child will learn:
What ADHD is and that they're NOT ALONE!
The importance of healthy habits
Emotional regulation
Planning and organization
Communication strategies for healthy relationships
ADHD medicines as part of an ADHD Care Plan
Ways to boost feeling positive
How to ADHD has many videos and a book to help thrive with ADHD.
ADDitude Webinars
Additude has many upcoming webinars to watch live (or you can sign up to receive a copy of the recording) as well as recorded webinars available to view.
CHADD tools and podcasts
CHADD and their partners have developed TOOLS to help you teach your child important skills.
CHADD also has Toolkits (different from TOOLS above) to help you learn about ADHD. Learn about school resources, suicide prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and more!
CHADD also has two podcasts that cover many topics related to ADHD.
The ADHD 365 podcast provides expert advice, tips, and strategies for families, adults, educators, and professionals.
The All Things ADHD podcast is a learning resource program of CHADD’s National Resource Center, funded by the CDC, to disseminate expert information to improve the lives of those affected by ADHD.
Know of an event to share with our members?
Leave a comment below with information about local or online events that could help people with ADHD and related conditions.